Packard Goose
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 2:37 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Joe's Garage
Song Author
Frank Zappa
File Size
227 KB
May-be you thought
I was the Pack-ard Goo-se
Or the Ron-ald Mac-Don-ald of a nou-veau abs-tru-se
fuck all them peo-ple I don't nedd no ex-cuse
for be-ing what I am
Do you hear me then?
All them rock 'n' roll writ-ers is the worst kind of slea-ze
Sell-ing punk like some new kind ol Eng-lish di-sea-se
Is that the wave of the fu-ture? Aw, spare me please
Oh no-oh, you got-ta go
Who do you write for?
I wan-na know
I be-lieve you is the go-vern-ments whore
And kee--ping peo--ples dumb is where you're com--ing from
And kee--ping peo--ples dumb is where you're com--ing from
Fuck all them wri-ters with the pen in their hand
I will be more spe-ci-fic so thy might un-der-stand
They can all kiss my ass
but be-cause it's so grand
they best just stay a-way
a-hey hey hey
Hey Joe, who did you blow?
Moe pushed the but-ton boy
And you went to the show
bet-ter suck a lit-tle har-der
or the shek-els won't flow
And I don't mean your thumb
So on your knees you bum
Just tell your-self it's yum
And suck it till you're numb
Jour-na-li-sm's kind-a sca-ry
And of it we should be wa-ry
Won-der what be-came of Ma-ry?